1、Give me one two three.Everybody is feeling free.
2、And all that I can see,is just another lemon tree 我能看到的一切,只是另一棵柠檬树 I'm turning my head up and down 我把头上下转 I'm turning turning turning,turning turning around 我要转弯了,转身 And all that I can see 我能看到的一切 is just a yellow (another) lemon tr。
3、【"lemong tree" singer:fool's garden】I'm sitting here in the boring roomIt's just another rainy sunday afternoonI'm wasting my time I've got nothing to doI'm hanging around, I'm waiting for youBut nothing ever happensAnd I wonderI'm driving around in my carI'm driving 。
4、柠檬树英文歌是《LemonTree》,歌词如下:Imsittinghereintheboringroom ItsjustanotherrainySundayafternoon ImwastingmytimeIgotnothingtodo ImhangingaroundImwaitingforyou ButnothingeverhappensandIwonder Imdrivingaroundinmycar ImdrivingtoofastImdrivingtoofar Idliketochangemypointofview IfeelsolonelyIm。
5、And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree 歌曲:Lemon Tree 歌手:苏慧伦 lemon tree 苏慧伦 一个人孤单单的下午 当风吹得每棵树都想跳舞 记得昨天你穿蓝色衣服 你说对爱太专注 容易孤独 这句话什么意思……我不清楚 我爱上了云 爱上你 多么希望像你 自由来去 原来星期天容易思念 。